About Me

About Me

Hi :)
I'm Lestari (in 2016, I'm 34 years old), my mother had breast cancer at the vasectomy and is now undergoing chemotherapy.

Now I was and had read many books, journals, or articles related to cancer, to help cure my mother, and friends of people with cancer.

I want to share on what I've read, and would like to discuss more about the various things about cancer.

I consider my mother's experience of pain is 'investment' which is most valuable. a lot of 'spiritual treasure' I can go through the process to accompany my mother-surgery pain-chemo-radiation.

For I want to instruct their brothers/sisters fighters:

1. As the need to treat mental patients remained positive (support of family and friends and pray to get closer to the Almighty Creator of Love)

2. The patient should be intelligent. Do not surrender to the other person (sorry, including a physician). The most responsible in the body is the owner of the body, not the other person.smart: ask your doctor until you know clearly state your-mouth good doctor would be willing to give an explanation (if my doctor to take a book to record because I am in a state of confusion, came out the doctor's office to have forgotten :). smart: find second, third opinion, read books.

books which I refer is: The Enzyme Factor bouquet Hiromi Shinya, MD books that a holistic, thoughtful, improve pd awareness that we consider good food was not good.

Fight Cancer book by Anne E. Frahm. the author is a breast cancer survivor who had metastases and no hope of life but because he is an intelligent patient who (conduct personal research), very disciplined and do not give up, through detox and the selection of food, the cancer disappeared within 5 weeks.

The common thread of the books is: eat food that is rich in enzymes (especially raw food) krn yg foods rich in enzymes, capable of digesting itself, so that the human body enzymes digest For morbidly drained. Thus, an enzyme the body can function as 'healing agent' for the sick cells.Let's keep fighting!

Next, the other therapy, I believe can cure cancer is meditation and breathing techniques, where I still learning about.

Any comment, please :)

Indriani Lestari

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