Monday, February 20, 2017

GLOSSARY of Cancer

GLOSSARY of Cancer

adjuvant : A substance that is added to a vaccine to increase the body’s immune response.

allele : One form of a specifi c gene pair, remembering that we have two copies of (almost) every gene. For example, a person may have one brown allele and one blue allele for eye color.
One allele may be dominant over the other and in this example brown is dominant over blue. This person will have brown eyes.

Angiogenesis : The formation of new blood vessels from preexisting blood vessels.

biobank : A collection of human biological tissue and associated health information that can be used as a resource for current and future research. Participation in biobanks is important for research that will benefi t future generations.

biomarker : A biological molecule found in bodily fl uids or tissue that indicates health or disease or the effect of treatment.

carcinogen : An agent that causes cancer.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) : The genetic material of most living things that carries the chemical instructions for the synthesis of proteins. The structure of DNA is a double helix, which is important for the process of DNA replication.

DNA adduct : A chemical mask on DNA; the addition of a chemical group to DNA.

gene : A section of DNA sequence that carries the chemical instructions to code for a protein. Proteins are needed for the structure and function of cells over a lifetime. There are about 25,000 genes in the human genome.

genome : The complete set of genes of an individual or species.

germline mutation : A mutation in either egg- or spermcell DNA (as opposed to a somatic mutation). Only mutations in germ cells can be passed on to the next generation.

incidence rate : The number of new cases of cancer (or other disease) in a defi ned population over a defi ned period of time.

ion : A molecule with a positive or negative charge. They may be created by ionizing radiation and can damage DNA, leading to mutations and cancer.

kinase : An enzyme that adds phosphate groups to proteins. The addition of a phosphate can regulate protein activity, turning it on or off. Kinases are important drug targets.

metastasis : The spread of cancer cells from a primary tumor to distant sites in the body.

metastasis suppressor gene : A gene that inhibits any of the steps involved in the spread of cancer cells from a primary tumor to a distant site in the body. Over 20 of such genes have been identified.

monoclonal antibody : A molecule of the immune system that is produced in response to exposure to a foreign body. They can be also be designed and prepared in the laboratory and used as a research tool or therapeutic agent. Herceptin is an example of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody.

mutation : A permanent change in the DNA sequence. For example, the replacement of ‘A’ in the genetic code by a ‘C’.

oncogene : A mutated gene that can produce a ‘faulty’ protein product that contributes to cancer (think oncology).

pharmacogenomics : The study of the infl uence of genetic variation on drug response.

phosphorylation : The addition of a chemical group, called a phosphate, to a protein. The addition causes a change in shape of a protein and, in doing so, can switch the activity of a protein either on or off. This is an important mechanism of the regulation of proteins.

premetastic niche : A site of future metastasis prepared by host cells upon receiving a signal from the primary tumor prior to the arrival of the metastasizing cell.

primary tumor : The original site of a cancer that can give rise to metastasis upon progression.

prognosis : The predicted outcome of having a disease.

reactive oxygen species (ROS) : Highly reactive oxygen molecules. They can be produced during normal metabolism that uses oxygen or by the interaction of ionizing radiation with water. They can oxidize DNA and cause mutations that may lead to cancer.

RNA (ribonucleic acid) : The genetic material in some viruses.Also, messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the genetic code transcribed from DNA to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.
Other types of RNA in cells are ribosomal RNA, located in ribosomes, and transfer RNA, which plays an important role in protein synthesis.

somatic mutation : A mutation in any cell other than a germ cell (i.e. an egg or sperm cell). Mutations in somatic cells cannot be passed on to the next generation.

teratogen : An agent that causes birth defects.

transcription factor : A protein that binds to the controlling region of genes and which can regulate gene expression (i.e. turn a gene on or off ).

tumor suppressor gene : A gene with a protein product that plays a role in preventing cancer. Loss of function of these genes by mutation or modifi cation contributes to cancer. Functions of tumor suppressor proteins may include regulation of antioxidant enzymes, cell suicide, or DNA repair, or pausing cell division.

variolation : The practice of introducing smallpox virus to non-immune individuals. The procedure involved using a lancet applied with material from a lesion of a smallpox patient. Although not without risks, immunity against future smallpox exposure was often observed.

Saturday, January 28, 2017




500 g cups pasta of your choice
1⁄4 cup basil pesto
2 tomatoes, diced
1⁄2 cup cashew nuts


1. Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions. Drain.
2. Mix in the basil pesto, tomatoes and nuts, and serve immediately.

by Cherry Armstrong

Friday, January 27, 2017

Thermography to Assess Breast Inflammation in breast cancer survivors

Thermography to Assess Breast Inflammation in breast cancer survivors

Thermography to Assess Breast Inflammation in breast cancer survivors

Breast thermography provides one of the best visual clues of the presence of inflammation in breast tissue. Since inflammation often accompanies precancerous changes to the breast and since it always produces heat, measuring the temperature of the breasts can provide us with vital information.

Temperature measurement as a means of assessing health has its roots in ancient Greece, when Hippocrates covered his patients’ bodies with a thin slurry of mud and, as it dried, observed temperature differences around diseased organs. With the advent of military infrared heat detection technology, specialized cameras were developed that could produce a detailed picture showing how the heat is distributed over the body. This picture could then be analyzed with computer software to
determine regions of abnormal heat, suggesting injury or disease.

When it comes to breast health, here’s how it works, according to Robert Kane (pers. comm.), a board-certified clinical thermologist who maintains a busy thermal-imaging interpretation practice in Redwood City, California: “Heat is produced in the breast by normal tissue metabolism and is carried to the surface by the blood supply. Our bodies naturally release heat to the environment in the form of infrared energy to maintain a normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This energy can be captured and visualized by a special infrared detector inside the thermography camera.”

Normal breast tissue produces a characteristic temperature pattern when visualized with thermography. On the other hand, fast-growing, abnormal breast tissue (cancerous or precancerous) will produce heat through its faster metabolism.

This heat travels through the circulatory system to the surface of the skin, where it can be detected using a thermographic camera (Yahara et al. 2003). What’s more, as mentioned earlier, cancerous tissue can create its own blood supply via the process of angiogenesis, or new blood vessel formation (Anbar 1994). Both of these occurrences can translate into temperature changes at the surface of the breast and provide a means of detection with the thermographic camera.

Thermography findings are less dependent on the size of the abnormal tissue and are more directly related to the degree of inflammation, growth rate of the tissue, and metabolic activity (Gautherie et al. 1982). The more inflamed, aggressive, and metabolically active the tissue, the more likely that a trained interpreter will see it on a thermogram. Since highly inflamed, precancerous growth represents the highest likelihood that cancer will develop, we consider thermography to be an excellent addition to standard breast imaging (mammography, MRI, or ultrasound) to help identify smaller lesions that are growing quickly and may appear between annual examinations.

Perhaps even more important, thermography provides invaluable feedback if you’re attempting to lower your risk of recurrence through lifestyle and nutrition, allowing you to see if your actions are effective. In short, just as thermography can be used to identify physiological signs that precede cancer and signal future risk, you can also use it to track the success of your anti-inflammatory strategies, adding a great deal to your peace of mind between conventional screenings.

High Fiber, Low Fat - How Foods Fight Cancer

High Fiber, Low Fat - How Foods Fight Cancer

High Fiber, Low Fat - How Foods Fight Cancer

It turns out that many foods that help prevent cancer in the first place also seem to help us beat the disease when it has struck. Among the most important themes to emerge from research has been that foods influence the hormones that fuel cancer growth. For example, diets high in fiber and low in fat tend to reduce the amount of estrogens (female sex hormones) circulating in the bloodstream. This taming of estrogens seems to reduce the likelihood that cancer cells will multiply or spread.

Fiber is also important in preventing colon cancer, as it helps move food waste out of the body. And fiber may even help the immune system function properly. Building your diet from fiber-rich plant foods is important for cancer prevention and survival as well as overall health.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

vegetables and fruits sources healthful compounds

Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Immune-Boosting Foods

vegetables and fruits sources healthful compounds

As you plan your menu, be generous with a variety of vegetables and fruits, because they are the main sources of these healthful compounds.

As you push your grocery cart down the aisle, you’ll want to keep a lookout for foods that have special cancer-fighting properties. In this chapter, we’ll focus on foods rich in protective compounds called antioxidants and phytochemicals, as well as foods that can help boost your immune system.

As you plan your menu, you’ll want to be generous with a variety of vegetables and fruits, because they are the main sources of these healthful compounds. Studies have amply demonstrated the ability of diets rich in vegetables and fruits to reduce the likelihood that cancer will develop in the first place. Although fewer studies have investigated their effect on survival after diagnosis, some have suggested that cancer survivors who consume more vegetables and fruits do indeed live longer. As you’ll see, researchers have begun to tease out reasons why produce is so powerful.

What about Whey? for Nurturing and Maintaining Immunity

What about Whey? for Nurturing and Maintaining Immunity

Whey for Nurturing and Maintaining Immunity

Little Miss Muffet most likely didn’t know what she was onto while she was busy eating her curds and whey, the by-products of cheese making. But whey has been shown to be a healthful addition to an anticancer diet, due to its immune-friendly and antioxidant effects.

An excellent source of essential amino acids, whey seems valuable on a number of fronts. For example:

  • Whey protein is particularly rich in the amino acid cysteine. Women with high levels of cysteine have a lower rate of breast cancer than women with lower levels of cysteine (Zhang et al. 2003).
  • Whey protein concentrate raises glutathione levels substantially. Glutathione is our own internal antioxidant that protects cells and serves as a primary detoxifier of carcinogens and other toxins. Glutathione levels are intimately tied to immune function (Fidelus and Tsan 1986). In fact, whey protein concentrates have been used for years to help improve the immune status of AIDS patients (Micke, Beeh, and Buhl 2002).
  • Animals fed whey protein concentrate demonstrated an increased immune response to a variety of pathogens, including salmonella and streptococcus pneumonia (Bounous, Kongshavn, and Gold 1988).

Most whey products today come in the form of a powder that can be added to smoothies for extra protein and immune support.


Although whey protein contains considerably less lactose than milk, people with lactose intolerance need to proceed with caution.

Because whey protein is popular with body builders, there are a great variety of whey products on the market. Find a whey product with the words “undenatured” and “cold processed” on the label. This assures you that the most nourishing components of the product have not been overprocessed or damaged.

If you put whey in your smoothie, add it just before you stop blending, to preserve its immunoglobulins and other precious nutrients.

Monday, January 23, 2017

How to Dice a Mango Using the Porcupine Method

How to Dice a Mango Using the Porcupine Method

mango porcupine

  1. A mango has two flat sides and two slightly rounded sides.
  2. To dice it using theporcupine method, slice the mango once straight down on each of the flat sides with a sharp paring knife, keeping the knife fairly close to the flat seed in the middle (the seed is woody and you will feel when you’ve hit it with your knife). 
  3. You should have 2 large, semicircular pieces of mango. 
  4. For each piece, use the paring knife to gently slice through the mango flesh in a crisscrossfashion without cutting through the peel. 
  5. Then press the piece inside out so it looks like a porcupine. 
  6. Carefully cut the cubes off of the peel using the paring knife. 
  7. Repeat this process with the remaining portions. 
  8. Then carefully slice and dice any ripe chunks from the middle section of the fruit that are still clinging to the seed.

About Me

About Me

Hi :)
I'm Lestari (in 2016, I'm 34 years old)my mother had breast cancer at the vasectomy and is now undergoing chemotherapy.

Now I was and had read many booksjournalsor articles related to cancerto help cure my motherand friends of people with cancer.

I want to share on what I've readand would like to discuss more about the various things about cancer.

I consider my mother's experience of pain is 'investment' which is most valuable. a lot of 'spiritual treasure' I can go through the process to accompany my mother-surgery pain-chemo-radiation.

For I want to instruct their brothers/sisters fighters:

1. As the need to treat mental patients remained positive (support of family and friends and pray to get closer to the Almighty Creator of Love)

2. The patient should be intelligent. Do not surrender to the other person (sorry, including a physician). The most responsible in the body is the owner of the body, not the other ask your doctor until you know clearly state your-mouth good doctor would be willing to give an explanation (if my doctor to take a book to record because I am in a state of confusion, came out the doctor's office to have forgotten :). smart: find second, third opinion, read books.

books which I refer is: The Enzyme Factor bouquet Hiromi Shinya, MD books that a holistic, thoughtful, improve pd awareness that we consider good food was not good.

Fight Cancer book by Anne E. Frahm. the author is a breast cancer survivor who had metastases and no hope of life but because he is an intelligent patient who (conduct personal research), very disciplined and do not give up, through detox and the selection of food, the cancer disappeared within 5 weeks.

The common thread of the books is: eat food that is rich in enzymes (especially raw food) because foods rich in enzymes, capable of digesting itself, so that the human body enzymes digest For morbidly drained. Thus, an enzyme the body can function as 'healing agent' for the sick cells. Let's keep fighting!

Any commentplease :)

Indriani Lestari

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Green Tea Smoothie Recipes

Green Tea Smoothie Recipes for Smoothies - How Foods Fight Cancer


Green tea contains polyphenolic compounds and catechins, both of which have been found to
help fight off cancer.

11⁄2 cups frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries)
3⁄4 cup fortified soymilk or other nondairy milk
1 frozen banana
1⁄2 cup brewed green tea, cooled or chilled
1⁄2 cup cranberry or pomegranate juice

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
Stop the blender occasionally to scrape down the sides of the container and push any unblended fruit into the blades with a rubber spatula.

2. Green Tea Smoothie is best served immediately.
Leftovers may be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 day or frozen for up to 1 week.
Blend the mixture again before serving.

Green Tea Smoothie

PER SERVING: 195 calories; 1.9 g fat; 0.3 g saturated fat; 8.9% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 4.6 g protein; 43.7 g carbohydrate; 24.8 g sugar; 6 g fiber; 59 mg sodium; 144 mg calcium; 2.4 mg iron; 88.7 mg vitamin C; 64 mcg beta-carotene; 1.9 mg vitamin E

Saturday, January 21, 2017

List of Breast Cancer Books

List of Breast Cancer Books
Breast Cancer

ID Author(s) Title Publisher Year

1 edited by M.A. Hayat. Cancer imaging.  Elsevier Academic Press
Cancer imaging : lung and breast carcinomas, Volume 1; Instrumentation and Applications, Vol. 2
9780080553658, 0080553656, 0080553761, 9780080553764

2 Mark A. Moyad (auth.) Integrative Medicine for Breast Cancer: An Evidence-Based Assessment [1 ed.] Springer International Publishing 2016
978-3-319-23421-2, 978-3-319-23422-9

3 Jian Cao Methods in Molecular Biology 1406  Humana Press 2016
Breast Cancer: Methods and Protocols
1493934422, 9781493934423

4 Mahesh K Shetty (eds.) Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A Synopsis [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2015
978-1-4939-1266-7, 978-1-4939-1267-4
5 Alexander N. Sencha (eds.) Imaging of Male Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer International Publishing 2015
978-3-319-06049-1, 978-3-319-06050-7
6 Lisa A. Newman, Jessica M. Bensenhaver (eds.) Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Microinvasive/Borderline Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2015
978-1-4939-2034-1, 978-1-4939-2035-8
7 Jonathan Strauss, William Small Jr., Gayle E. Woloschak Medical Radiology  Springer 2015
Breast Cancer Biology for the Radiation Oncologist [2015 ed.]
3642312195, 9783642312199
8 Nicoletta Biglia, Fedro Alessandro Peccatori Breast Cancer, Fertility Preservation and Reproduction [2015 ed.] Springer 2015
3319172778, 9783319172774
9 Patricia A. Ganz (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 862  Springer International Publishing 2015
Improving Outcomes for Breast Cancer Survivors: Perspectives on Research Challenges and Opportunities [1 ed.]
978-3-319-16365-9, 978-3-319-16366-6
10 Nicoletta Biglia, Fedro Alessandro Peccatori (eds.) Breast Cancer, Fertility Preservation and Reproduction [1 ed.] Springer International Publishing 2015
978-3-319-17277-4, 978-3-319-17278-1
11 Alexey Larionov (eds.) Resistance to Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapeutics 8  Springer International Publishing 2015
Resistance to Aromatase Inhibitors in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-319-17971-1, 978-3-319-17972-8
12 Jonathan Strauss, William Small, Gayle E. Woloschak (eds.) Medical Radiology  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Breast Cancer Biology for the Radiation Oncologist [1 ed.]
978-3-642-31219-9, 978-3-642-31220-5
13 Alan B. Hollingsworth M.D., F.A.C.S. (auth.), Darius S. Francescatti, Melvin J. Silverstein (eds.) Breast Cancer: A New Era in Management [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2014
978-1-4614-8062-4, 978-1-4614-8063-1
14 George R. Blumenschein (Auth.) Quest for the Cure. Reflections on the Evolution of Breast Cancer Treatment [1 ed.] Academic Press 2014
15 Kristy A. Brown, Evan R. Simpson (auth.) SpringerBriefs in Cancer Research  Springer-Verlag New York 2014
Obesity and Breast Cancer: The Role of Dysregulated Estrogen Metabolism [1 ed.]
978-1-4899-8001-4, 978-1-4899-8002-1
16 Madhulika Sikka A Breast Cancer Alphabet [First Edition] Crown 2014
0385348517, 9780385348515
17 Jose Russo, Irma H. Russo (auth.) Techniques and Methodological Approaches in Breast Cancer Research [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2014
978-1-4939-0717-5, 978-1-4939-0718-2
18 Seema Sethi (auth.) SpringerBriefs in Cancer Research  Springer International Publishing 2014
miRNAs and Target Genes in Breast Cancer Metastasis [1 ed.]
978-3-319-08161-8, 978-3-319-08162-5
19 Debmalya Barh (eds.) Omics Approaches in Breast Cancer: Towards Next-Generation Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapy [1 ed.] Springer India 2014
978-81-322-0842-6, 978-81-322-0843-3
20 Philipp Y. Maximov, Russell E. McDaniel, V. Craig Jordan (auth.) Milestones in Drug Therapy  Springer Basel 2013
Tamoxifen: Pioneering Medicine in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-0348-0663-3, 978-3-0348-0664-0
21 Abraham Haim, Boris A. Portnov (auth.) Light Pollution as a New Risk Factor for Human Breast and Prostate Cancers [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2013
978-94-007-6219-0, 978-94-007-6220-6
22 Philipp Y. Maximov, Russell E. McDaniel, V. Craig Jordan (auth.) Milestones in Drug Therapy  Springer Basel 2013
Tamoxifen: Pioneering Medicine in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-0348-0663-3, 978-3-0348-0664-0
23 Magda Esebua (auth.), Heide Schatten (eds.) Cell and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Humana Press 2013
978-1-62703-633-7, 978-1-62703-634-4
24 Jaime G. de la Garza-Salazar M.D., Paula Juarez-Sanchez M.D. (auth.), Jaime G. de la Garza-Salazar, Abelardo Meneses-Garcia, Claudia Arce-Salinas (eds.) Inflammatory Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag London 2013
978-0-85729-990-1, 978-0-85729-991-8
25 R. Sankaranarayanan, J. Ferlay (auth.), Mahesh K. Shetty (eds.) Breast and Gynecological Cancers: An Integrated Approach for Screening and Early Diagnosis in Developing Countries [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2013
978-1-4614-1875-7, 978-1-4614-1876-4
26 Jose Russo, Irma H. Russo (auth.) Role of the Transcriptome in Breast Cancer Prevention [1 ed.] Springer US 2013
978-1-4614-4883-9, 978-1-4614-4884-6
27 Jiemin Ma, Ahmedin Jemal (auth.), Aamir Ahmad (eds.) Breast Cancer Metastasis and Drug Resistance: Progress and Prospects [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2013
978-1-4614-5646-9, 978-1-4614-5647-6
28 Scott M. Weissman M.S., C.G.C. (auth.), Nora M. Hansen (eds.) Management of the Patient at High Risk for Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2013
978-1-4614-5890-6, 978-1-4614-5891-3
29 Abraham Haim, Boris A. Portnov (auth.) Light Pollution as a New Risk Factor for Human Breast and Prostate Cancers [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2013
978-94-007-6219-0, 978-94-007-6220-6
30 Gerald Litwack (Eds.) Vitamins & Hormones 93  Academic Press, Elsevier 2013
Hormones and Breast Cancer
31 Jonathan D. Pegg, Jonathan D. Pegg Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013
Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention [1 ed.]
1612092888, 9781612092881
32 George R. Blumenschein Quest for the Cure: Reflections on the Evolution of Breast Cancer Treatment [1 ed.] Academic Press 2013
0124201539, 978-0-12-420153-8
33 Ricardo H Alvarez, Javier Cortés, Leticia De Mattos-Arruda, Mary Falzon, Angelica Fasolo, Michael Gandy, Luca Gianni, Nadia Harbeck, Martine Piccart, Stefania Zambelli, Dimitrios Zardavas (auth.) Handbook of HER2-targeted agents in breast cancer [1 ed.] Springer Healthcare Communications 2013
978-1-907673-93-1, 978-1-907673-94-8
34 Peggy J. Parks Compact Research  ReferencePoint Press 2013
Breast Cancer
35 DeShazer, Mary K. Mammographies : the Cultural Discourses of Breast Cancer Narratives. University of Michigan Press 2013
9780472029235, 0472029231, 9781299734616, 1299734618
36 Antimo Migliaccio, Gabriella Castoria (auth.), Gabriella Castoria, Antimo Migliaccio (eds.) Advances in Rapid Sex-Steroid Action: New Challenges and New Chances in Breast and Prostate Cancers [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2012
978-1-4614-1763-7, 978-1-4614-1764-4
37 Alvaro Luis Ronco, Eduardo De Stéfani (auth.) Nutritional Epidemiology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2012
9400723962, 9789400723962, 9789400723979
38 Naoto T. Ueno M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. (auth.), Naoto T. Ueno, Massimo Cristofanilli (eds.) Inflammatory Breast Cancer: An Update [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2012
39 Antimo Migliaccio, Gabriella Castoria (auth.), Gabriella Castoria, Antimo Migliaccio (eds.) Advances in Rapid Sex-Steroid Action: New Challenges and New Chances in Breast and Prostate Cancers [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2012
9781461417644, 1461417643
40 Andrej Plesničar; Klaudia Urbančič; Suzana Mlinar; Božo Kralj; Viljem Kovač; et al; All authors Early detection and prevention of breast cancer: the increasing importance of midwives in the future Intech 2012
41 Charles Swanton; Stephen R D Johnston Handbook of metastatic breast cancer [2nd ed] Informa Healthcare 2012
9781841848129, 1841848123
42 R. Aft  Targeting New Pathways and Cell Death in Breast Cancer Intech 2012
43 Sue Friedman, Rebecca Sutphen, Kathy Steligo, Mark H. Greene A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book  Johns Hopkins University Press 2012
Confronting Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Identify Your Risk, Understand Your Options, Change Your Destiny
1421404087, 9781421404080
44 Antimo Migliaccio, Gabriella Castoria (auth.), Gabriella Castoria, Antimo Migliaccio (eds.) Advances in Rapid Sex-Steroid Action: New Challenges and New Chances in Breast and Prostate Cancers [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2012
978-1-4614-1763-7, 978-1-4614-1764-4
45 Michail Ignatiadis, Christos Sotiriou, Klaus Pantel (auth.), Michail Ignatiadis, Christos Sotiriou, Klaus Pantel (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 195  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Minimal Residual Disease and Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-642-28159-4, 978-3-642-28160-0
46 Sue Friedman, Rebecca Sutphen, Kathy Steligo, Mark H. Greene A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book  Johns Hopkins University Press 2012
Confronting Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Identify Your Risk, Understand Your Options, Change Your Destiny [1 ed.]
1421404087, 9781421404080
47 Naoto T. Ueno M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. (auth.), Naoto T. Ueno, Massimo Cristofanilli (eds.) Inflammatory Breast Cancer: An Update [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2012
978-94-007-3906-2, 978-94-007-3907-9
48 American Institute for Cancer Research, Elizabeth K. Weisburger Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology  Springer 2012
Diet and Breast Cancer [Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994]
1461360684, 9781461360681
49 Ayfer Haydaroglu, Gokhan Ozyigit Principles and Practice of Modern Radiotherapy Techniques in Breast Cancer [2013 ed.] Springer 2012
1461451159, 9781461451150
50 Leslie Spencer You can be beautiful beyond breast cancer : The strength training and diet program that changed Meyer & meyer verlag 2012
1841263567, 9781841263564
51 Patricia Prijatel, Carol Scott-Conner Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Hope, Treatment, and Recovery [1 ed.] Oxford University Press 2012
0195387627, 9780195387629
52 David J Frähm The breast cancer pattern [Revised 2012] BookJolt LLC 2012
1624800009, 978-1-62480-000-9, 978-1-62480-001-6, 1624800017, 978-1-62480-002-3, 1624800025
53 David J Frähm The breast cancer pattern [Revised 2012] BookJolt LLC 2012
1624800009, 978-1-62480-000-9, 9781624800016, 1624800017, 978-1-62480-002-3, 1624800025
54 Tibor Tot (auth.), Tibor Tot (eds.) Breast Cancer: A Lobar Disease [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag London 2011
1849963134, 9781849963138, 1849963142, 9781849963145
55 Patricia A. Thomas (auth.), Patricia A. Thomas (eds.) Current Clinical Pathology  Humana Press 2011
Breast Cancer and its Precursor Lesions: Making Sense and Making It Early [1 ed.]
1588296865, 9781588296863, 1603271546, 9781603271547
56 Denise Guliato, Rangaraj Rangayyan Modeling and Analysis of Shape: with Applications in Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering) [1 ed.] Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2011
1608450325, 9781608450329
57 Maria Sibilia, Christoph C. Zielinski, Rupert Bartsch, Thomas W. Grunt Milestones in Drug Therapy  Springer Basel 2011
Drugs for HER-2-positive Breast Cancer (Milestones in Drug Therapy) [1st Edition.]
3034600933, 9783034600934, 9783034600941
58 Tibor Tot, Zsuzsanna Kahán (auth.), Zsuzsanna Kahán (eds.) Breast Cancer, a Heterogeneous Disease Entity: The Very Early Stages [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2011
9400704887, 9789400704886
59 Committee on Breast Cancer and the Environment: The Scientific Evidence, Research Methodology, and Future Directions; Institute of Medicine Breast Cancer and the Environment: A Life Course Approach The National Academies Press 2011
0309220696, 9780309220699
60 Jonathan D. Pegg (Editor) Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments  Nova Science Pub Inc. 2011
Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention
61 Wolfgang J. Köstler, Yosef Yarden (auth.), Maria Sibilia, Christoph C. Zielinski, Rupert Bartsch, Thomas W. Grunt (eds.) Milestones in Drug Therapy  Springer Basel 2011
Drugs for HER-2-positive Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
3034600933, 9783034600934
62 Esra Gunduz and Mehmet Gunduz Breast Cancer - Current and Alternative Therapeutic Modalities InTech 2011
63 Charles Swanton (Editor), Stephen R. D. Johnston (Editor) Handbook of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Second Edition [2 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2011
1841848115, 9781841848112
64 Victoria Harmer Breast Cancer Nursing Care and Management [2 ed.] Wiley-Blackwell 2011
1405198664, 978-1-4051-9866-0, 9781444329339, 9781118784921, 1118784928
65 Robert A. Hiatt (auth.), Jose Russo (eds.) Environment and Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2011
1441998950, 9781441998958, 9781441998965
66 Jonathan Pegg Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention [1 ed.] Nova Science Pub Inc 2011
1612092888, 9781612092881
67 American Cancer Society QuickFACTS Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know-NOW [1 ed.] American Cancer Society/Health Promotions 2011
1604430311, 9781604430318
68 Mehmet Gunduz; Esra Gunduz Breast cancer - focusing tumor microenvironment, stem cells and metastasis InTech 2011
9789533077666, 9533077662
69 Harold Burstein Oxford American Pocket Notes  Oxford University Press 2011
Targeted Therapies in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
0199735670, 9780199735679
70 Emilio Bombardieri, Gianni Bonadonna, Luca Gianni Breast Cancer Nuclear Medicine in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Options [1st Edition.] Springer 2010
9783642071867, 3642071864
71 Edward R. Sauter, Mary B. Daly Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Early Detection [1st Edition.] Springer 2010
0387875824, 9780387875828
72 Malcolm W. Reed, Riccardo A. Audisio Management of Breast Cancer in Older Women [1st Edition.] Springer 2010
9781848002647, 9781848002647
73 Renzo Brun del Re (auth.), Renzo Brun del Re (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 173  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsies [1 ed.]
3540314032, 9783540314035
74 Michael J. Michell Breast Cancer (Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging) [1 ed.] 2010
0521519500, 9780521519502
75 Jacques Ferlay, Clarisse Héry, Philippe Autier (auth.), Christopher Li (eds.) Breast Cancer Epidemiology [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2010
1441906843, 9781441906854
76 Michael Krychman, Susan Kellogg, Sandra Finestone 100 Questions & Answers  Jones & Bartlett Publishers 2010
100 Questions & Answers About Life After Breast Cancer Sensuality, Sexuality, Intimacy [1 ed.]
0763779091, 9780763779092
77 Gayle A. Sulik Pink Ribbon Blues: How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women's Health Oxford University Press, USA 2010
78 Irmgard Irminger-Finger (auth.), Malcolm W. Reed, Riccardo A. Audisio (eds.) Management of Breast Cancer in Older Women [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag London 2010
1848002645, 9781848002647
79 Michael Krychman, Susan Kellogg, Sandra Finestone 100 Questions & Answers About Life After Breast Cancer Sensuality, Sexuality, Intimacy [1 ed.] 2010
0763779091, 9780763779092, 9781449619367
80 Polly A. Newcomb, Karen J. Wernli (auth.), Edward R. Sauter, Mary B. Daly (eds.) Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Early Detection [1 ed.] Springer US 2010
0387875824, 9780387875828
81 Marisa Weiss, Ellen Weiss Living Well Beyond Breast Cancer: A Survivor's Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins Three Rivers Press 2010
82 Lisa Jacobs MD, Christina Finlayson MD Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Series: Breast Cancer: Expert Consult - Online and Print (Early Diagnosis in Cancer) [1 Har/Psc ed.] Saunders 2010
1416049320, 9781416049326
83 Regina H. DeFrina Cancer Etiology, Dianosis and Treatment  Nova Science Publishers 2010
Aggressive Breast Cancer
84 Nancy G. Brinker with Joni Rodgers Promise Me: How a Sister's Love Launched the Global Movement to End Breast Cancer Crown Archetype 2010
030771814X, 9780307718143
85 Ingrid Kollak, M.D. Isabell Utz-Billing Yoga and Breast Cancer: A Journey to Health and Healing [1 ed.] Demos Health 2010
1932603913, 9781932603910
86 Robin L. Bennett (auth.), Piri Welcsh (eds.) Cancer Genetics  Springer-Verlag New York 2010
The Role of Genetics in Breast and Reproductive Cancers [1 ed.]
144190476X, 9781441904768
87 Gina M Maisano Intimacy after breast cancer : dealing with your body, relationships and sex Square One Publishers 2010
9780757003240, 0757003249
88 Polly A. Newcomb, Karen J. Wernli (auth.), Edward R. Sauter, Mary B. Daly (eds.) Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Early Detection [1 ed.] Springer US 2010
978-0-387-87582-8, 978-0-387-87583-5
89 Robin L. Bennett (auth.), Piri Welcsh (eds.) Cancer Genetics  Springer-Verlag New York 2010
The Role of Genetics in Breast and Reproductive Cancers [1 ed.]
978-1-4419-0476-8, 978-1-4419-0477-5
90 Jacques Ferlay, Clarisse Héry, Philippe Autier (auth.), Christopher Li (eds.) Breast Cancer Epidemiology [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag New York 2010
978-1-4419-0684-7, 978-1-4419-0685-4
91 V. Craig Jordan, Barrington J.A. Furr (auth.), V. Craig Jordan, Barrington J.A. Furr (eds.) Cancer Drug Discovery and Development  Humana Press 2009
Hormone Therapy in Breast and Prostate Cancer [1 ed.]
1607614715, 9781607614715
92 Matthew H. Herynk, Jennifer Selever (auth.), Suzanne A. W. Fuqua (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 147  Springer US 2009
Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
9780387094625, 9780387094632, 0387094628
93 Alphonse G., Taghian MD, PhD, Barbara L. Smith, MD, John K. Erban Breast Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Managmenet (Current Multidisciplinary Oncology Series) [First ed.] 2009
1933864443, 9781933864440
94 Sabrina McCormick New social formations  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2009
No Family History: The Environmental Links to Breast Cancer (New Social Formations) [1 ed.]
0742564088, 9780742564084
95 Benson John, Ismail Jatoi Management Options in Breast Cancer: Case Histories, Best Practice, and Clinical Decision-Making [1 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2009
0415423104, 9780415423106
96 Karen Bellenir Breast Cancer Sourcebook (Health Reference Series) [3 ed.] 2009
0780810309, 9780780810303
97 Lillie D. Shockney Becoming a Breast Cancer Nurse Navigator [1 ed.] 2009
076378494X, 9780763784942, 9781449611231
98 Robert I. Nicholson, Iain R. Hutcheson (auth.), Stephen Hiscox, Julia Gee, Robert I. Nicholson (eds.) Therapeutic Resistance to Anti-hormonal Drugs in Breast Cancer: New Molecular Aspects and their Potential as Targets [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2009
1402085257, 9781402085253, 9781402085260
99 Jose Russo, Irma H. Russo (auth.), Antonio Giordano, Nicola Normanno (eds.) Current Clinical Oncology  Humana Press 2009
Breast Cancer in the Post-Genomic Era [1 ed.]
9781603279451, 9781603279444
100 Barbara L., Ley From Pink to Green: Disease Prevention and the Environmnetal Breast Cancer Movement (Critical Issues in Health and Medicine) [1 ed.] 2009
0813545307, 9780813545301, 0813545315, 9780813545318
101 John W. Anderson Stand by Her: A Breast Cancer Guide for Men [1 ed.] 2009
0814413919, 9780814413913
102 New Zealand Guidelines Group Management of Early Breast Cancer 2009
9781877509162, 9781877509179
103 Pinuccia Valagussa (auth.), Monica Castiglione, Martine J. Piccart (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 151  Springer US 2009
Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
0387751149, 9780387751146, 9780387751153
104 Aaron Tabor Fight Now: Eat and Live Proactively Against Breast Cancer Aaron Tabor 2009
0984307605, 9780984307609
105 Matthew H. Herynk, Jennifer Selever (auth.), Suzanne A. W. Fuqua (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 147  Springer US 2009
Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-0-387-09462-5, 978-0-387-09463-2
106 Pinuccia Valagussa (auth.), Monica Castiglione, Martine J. Piccart (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 151  Springer US 2009
Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-0-387-75114-6, 978-0-387-75115-3
107 A. Fitoussi, MG Berry, B. Couturaud, R. J. Salmon (eds.) Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery for Breast Cancer: The Institut Curie Experience [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
978-3-642-00143-7, 978-3-642-00144-4
108 Annemarie White Telling It Like It Is : 23 Breast Cancer Journeys A.B.C 2009
0733325165, 9780733325168
109 Lillie Shockney; Gary R Shapiro 100 questions & answers  Jones and Bartlett 2009
100 questions & answers about advanced and metastatic breast cancer
978-0-7637-6183-7, 0763761834
110 R. Pasqualini Jorge Breast Cancer: Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention, Second Edition [2 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2008
1-4200-5872-X, 978-1-4200-5872-7
111 Kelly K. Hunt, Geoffrey L. Robb, Eric A. Strom, Naoto T. Ueno, J. Mendelsohn M.D. Anderson cancer care series  Springer 2008
Breast Cancer [2nd ed]
0387349502, 978-0-387-34950-3, 978-0-387-34952-7
112 Pathobiology 2008, Vol. 75, No. 2  S Karger Pub 2008
Translational Research in Breast Cancer: Special Issue
113 Ruth Peltason I Am Not My Breast Cancer: Women Talk Openly About Love and Sex, Hair Loss and Weight Gain, Mothers and Daughters, and Being a Woman with Breast Cancer [1 ed.] William Morrow 2008
0061174106, 9780061174100, 9780061574634
114 R. Pasqualini Jorge Breast Cancer: Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention, [2 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2008
9781420058727, 142005872X
115 Rosemary A. Walker, Alistair M. Thompson Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Breast Cancer, [2 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2008
0415422256, 9780415422253
116 Maren Klawiter The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer: Changing Cultures of Disease and Activism 2008
9780816651078, 9780816656660, 0816651078
117 Aman U. Buzdar Endocrine Therapies in Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2008
0199218145, 9780199218141
118 Isaacs Claudine, Timothy R. Rebbeck Hereditary Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2008
0849390222, 9780849390227
119 M.A. Hayat Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis: Breast Carcinoma (Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis, Volume 1) [1 ed.] 2008
1402083688, 9781402083686
120 Lillie D. Shockney, Gary R., M.D. Shapiro 100 Questions & Answers About Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Jones & Bartlett Publishers 2008
0763761834, 9780763761837
121 Sharon L Manne, Jamie S Ostroff Coping with Breast Cancer: A Couples-Focused Group Intervention, Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work) [1 ed.] 2008
0195342909, 9780195342901, 9780199711413
122 Leyland-Jones Brian Pharmacogenetics of Breast Cancer: Towards the Individualization of Therapy (Translational Medicine) [1 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2008
1420052934, 9781420052930
123 Emma Pennery Answers at your fingertips  Class Publishing 2008
Breast Cancer
1859591981, 9781859591987
124 Marie Tartar MD, Chris E. Comstock MD, Michael S. Kipper MD Breast Cancer Imaging: A Multidisciplinary, Multimodality Approach [1 ed.] Mosby 2008
0323046770, 9780323046770
125 Eric A. Strom, Aman U. Buzdar, Kelly K. Hunt (auth.), Kelly K. Hunt MD, Geoffrey L. Robb MD, Eric A. Strom MD, Naoto T. Ueno MD, PhD (eds.) M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Series  Springer-Verlag New York 2008
Breast Cancer 2nd edition [2 ed.]
978-0-387-34950-3, 978-0-387-34952-7
126 Boris Pasche M.D., PhD, F.A.C.P (auth.), William J. Gradishar M.D., William C. Wood M.D. (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 141  Springer US 2008
Advances in Breast Cancer Management, Second Edition [2 ed.]
978-0-387-73160-5, 978-0-387-73161-2
127 M. A. Hayat (auth.), M. A. Hayat (eds.) Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis 1  Springer Netherlands 2008
Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis: Breast Carcinoma [1 ed.]
978-1-4020-8368-6, 978-1-4020-8369-3
128 Emilio Bombardieri MD, Luca Gianni MD, Gianni Bonadonna MD (eds.) Breast Cancer: Nuclear Medicine in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Options [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
978-3-540-36780-2, 978-3-540-36781-9
129 Ultrasound Clinics Breast Cancer [vol 87 Issues 2] 2007
130 Martine J. Piccart, William C. Wood et al Breast Cancer Management and Molecular Medicine [1 ed.] Springer 2007
131 M. A. Hayat Cancer Imaging: Lung and Breast Carcinomas [Volume 1, 1 ed.] Academic Press 2007
132 Richard A. Rettig, Peter D. Jacobson, Cynthia M. Farquhar M.D., Wade M. Aubry M.D. False Hope: Bone Marrow Transplantation for Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Oxford University Press, USA 2007
0195187768, 9780195187762, 9781429459235
133 Sahra Gibbon (Author) Breast Cancer Genes and the Gendering of Knowledge [1 ed.] 2007
1403999015, 9781403999016, 9780230626553
134 Philip M. Parker Breast Cancer - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers 2007
9780497113414, 0497113414, 9781429495967
135 Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, Flavia Morales-Vasquez (auth.), Dihua Yu, Mien-Chie Hung (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 608  Springer-Verlag New York 2007
Breast Cancer Chemosensitivity [1 ed.]
9780387740379, 0387740376
136 R.E. Mansel (Editor), Oystein Fodstad (Editor), W.G. Jiang (Editor) Metastasis of Breast Cancer (Cancer Metastasis - Biology and Treatment) [1 ed.] 2007
1402058667, 9781402058677, 9781402058660
137 E. Bombardieri, G. Bonadonna, L. Gianni Breast Cancer: Nuclear Medicine in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Options [1 ed.] 2007
9783540367802, 9783540367819, 3540367802
138 M. A. Hayat Cancer Imaging, Volume 1: Lung and Breast Carcinomas (Cancer Imaging) [1 ed.] 2007
0123704685, 9780123704689, 9780080553658
139 H. Lyman Gary, Harold J. Burstein Translational Medicine Series 2  Informa Healthcare 2007
Breast Cancer: Translational Therapeutic Strategies [1 ed.]
0849374162, 9780849374166
140 Kelly K. Hunt, Geoffrey L. Robb, Eric A. Strom, Naoto T. Ueno, J. Mendelsohn M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Series  Springer 2007
Breast Cancer (M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Series) [2nd ed.]
0387349502, 9780387349503, 9780387349527
141 Shobita Parthasarathy Building Genetic Medicine: Breast Cancer, Technology, and the Comparative Politics of Health Care (Inside Technology) [1 ed.] The MIT Press 2007
0262162423, 9780262162425
142 Sahra Gibbon Breast cancer genes and the gendering of knowledge : science and citizenship in the cultural context of the "new" genetics Palgrave MacMillan 2007
9781403999016, 1403999015
143 Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, Flavia Morales-Vasquez (auth.), Dihua Yu, Mien-Chie Hung (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 608  Springer-Verlag New York 2007
Breast Cancer Chemosensitivity [1 ed.]
978-0-387-74037-9, 978-0-387-74039-3
144 Robert E. Mansel MS, FRCS, CBE, Oystein Fodstad PhD (auth.), Robert E. Mansel MS, FRCS, CBE, Oystein Fodstad PhD, Wen G. Jiang MB, BCh, MD (eds.) Cancer Metastasis – Biology and Treatment 11  Springer Netherlands 2007
Metastasis of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4020-5866-0, 978-1-4020-5867-7
145 Bonadonna Gianni, Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, Pinuccia Valagussa Textbook of Breast Cancer: A Clinical Guide to Therapy, [3 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2006
9781841844183, 1841844187
146 Mary C. Rawlinson, Shannon Lundeen The Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine) [1 ed.] 2006
1402045085, 9781402045080, 9781402044779
147 Sara Booth, Helena Earl Palliative Care Consultations in Advanced Breast Cancer (Palliative Care Consultations) [1 ed.] 2006
0198530757, 9781423743279, 9780198530756
148 Carolyn M. Kaelin, Francesca Coltrera, Josie Gardiner, Joy Prouty The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan (Harvard Medical School Guides) [1 ed.] 2006
0071465782, 9780071465786, 9780071487092
149 Mary C. Rawlinson, Shannon Lundeen The Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine) [1 ed.] 2006
1402045085, 9781402045080, 9781402044779
150 Carolyn Kaelin, Francesca Coltrera, Josie Gardiner, Joy Prouty The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan: A Doctor-Approved Workout Plan For a Strong Body and Lifesaving Results (Harvard Medical School Guides) [1 ed.] McGraw-Hill 2006
0071465782, 007149040X, 9780071465786
151 Stephen Johnston, Charles Swanton Handbook of Metastatic Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Informa Healthcare 2006
1841844888, 9781841844886, 9780203696910
152 M. Piccart Breast cancer and molecular medicine Springer 2006
9783540282662, 3540282661
153 Christopher Kwesi O. Williams, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, Carla I. Falkson (eds.) Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 2006
978-1-4020-3682-8, 978-1-4020-3664-4
154 Linda Snell, Peter H. Watson (auth.), Susan A. Brooks, Adrian Harris (eds.) Methods in Molecular Medicine 120  Humana Press 2006
Breast Cancer Research Protocols [1 ed.]
158829191X, 9781588291912
155 Director Rosemarie Tong, Professor Susan Sherwin Ph.D., FRSC (auth.), Mary C. Rawlinson, Shannon Lundeen (eds.) 00088 Springer Netherlands 2006
The voice of breast cancer in medicine and bioethics [1 ed.]
978-1-4020-4508-0, 978-1-4020-4477-9
156 Larry Norton, Clifford Hudis (auth.), Martine J. Piccart MD, PhD, Mien-Chie Hung PhD, Lawrence J. Solin MD, Fatima Cardoso MD, William C. Wood MD (eds.) Breast Cancer and Molecular Medicine [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
978-3-540-28265-5, 978-3-540-28266-2
157 Richard M. Simon DSc (auth.), Giampietro Gasparini MD, Daniel F. Hayes MD (eds.) Cancer Drug Discovery and Development  Humana Press 2006
Biomarkers in Breast Cancer: Molecular Diagnostics for Predicting and Monitoring Therapeutic Effect [1 ed.]
978-1-58829-227-8, 978-1-59259-915-8
158 Jasjit S. Suri, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan (eds.) SPIE Press Monograph 155  SPIE Publications 2006
Recent Advances in Breast Imaging, Mammography, and Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
0819460818, 9780819460813
159 MD Norbert Avril The Clinics: Radiology  Saunders 2005
Breast Cancer, An Issue of PET Clinics [1st ed.]
9781416034681, 1416034684
160 Daniel F. Roses Breast Cancer (2nd Edition) [2 ed.] Churchill Livingstone 2005
161 Susan A. Brooks (Editor), Adrian Harris (Editor) Breast Cancer Research Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine) [1 ed.] 2005
9781588291912, 9781592599691, 158829191X
162 Carolyn M. Kaelin, Francesca Coltrera Living Through Breast Cancer [1 ed.] McGraw-Hill 2005
0071444637, 9780071444637, 0071465219
163 Giampietro Gasparini, Daniel F. Hayes Biomarkers in Breast Cancer (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) [1 ed.] Humana Press 2005
1588292274, 9781588292278
164 Guidubaldo Querci della Rovere, Ruth Warren, John R. Benson Early Breast Cancer: From Screening to Multidisciplinary Management 2nd Edition [2 ed.] Taylor & Francis 2005
1841843849, 9781841843841
165 Ruth H. Grobstein The Breast Cancer Book: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Decisions (Yale University Press Health & Wellness) [1 ed.] Yale University Press 2005
0300104138, 9780300104134, 9780300130799
166 M.S. Delthia Ricks Breast Cancer Basics and Beyond: Treatments, Resources, Self-Help, Good News, Updates [1 ed.] Hunter House 2005
0897934547, 9780897934541
167 Daniel F Roses Breast cancer [2nd ed] Elsevier Churchill Livingstone 2005
0443066345, 9780443066344
168 Tari A. King, Patrick I. Borgen Atlas of Procedures in Breast Cancer Surgery CRC Press 2005
1841842419, 9781841842417
169 Ph.D Barbara T. Zimmerman Understanding Health and Sickness Series  University Press of Mississippi 2004
Understanding Breast Cancer Genetics
157806578X, 1578065798
170 Carol Turkington, Karen J. Krag The Encyclopedia of Breast Cancer (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) [1 ed.] 2004
0816050287, 9780816050284
171 Joy Ogden Understanding Breast Cancer (Understanding Illness & Health) [1 ed.] Wiley 2004
0470854359, 9780470854358
172 Barbara T. Zimmerman Understanding health and sickness  Univ. Press of Mississippi 2004
Understanding breast cancer genetics
157806578X, 9781578065783, 1578065798, 9781578065790
173 National Research Council Meeting Psychosocial Needs of Women with Breast Cancer [1st ed.] National Academies Press 2004
0309091292, 9780309091299
174 James N. Ingle, Mitchell Dowsett Basic and Clinical Oncology  CRC Press 2004
Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
0824722280, 9780824722289
175 Jose Russo MD, FACP, Irma H. Russo MD, FACP (auth.) Molecular Basis of Breast Cancer: Prevention and Treatment [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004
978-3-642-62270-0, 978-3-642-18736-0
176 N. Katsilambros, N. Tentolouris, P. Tsapogas, E. Dounis Atlas of Selective Sentinel Lymphadenectomy for Melanoma, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer [1 ed.] Wiley 2003
9780471486732, 0-471-486736
177 David Dolinak, Evan W. Matshes Medical Therapy of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] CRC Press 2003
9780849313615, 0-8493-1361-9
178 Zenon Rayter; Janine Mansi Medical therapy of breast cancer [1 ed.] Cambridge University Press 2003
0511065523, 9780511065521, 0511067658, 9780511067655, 0511116241, 9780511116247
179 Barron H. Lerner The Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America [1 ed.] Oxford University Press, USA 2003
0195161068, 9780195161069
180 James L. Spira, Geoffrey M., Ph.D. Reed Group Psychotherapy for Women With Breast Cancer [1st ed.] 2003
1557989559, 9781557989550
181 Michael H. Antoni, Roselyn Smith Stress Management Intervention for Women With Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Amer Psychological Assn 2003
1557989419, 9781557989413
182 Suzanne Strempek Shea Songs from a Lead-Lined Room: Notes--High and Low--from My Journey through Breast Cancer and Radiation Beacon Press 2003
080707215X, 9780807072158, 080707246X, 9780807072462
183 Monica Morrow, Virgil Craig Jordan Managing breast cancer risk [1 ed.] PMPH-USA 2003
155009260X, 9781550092608
184 Dr. Edward J. Conley Safe Estrogen: Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk by 90% Vitality Press 2003
0965254429, 9780965254427
185 V. Craig Jordan, B.J.A. Furr Cancer drug discovery and development  Humana Press 2002
Hormone therapy in breast and prostate cancer [1st ed.]
0896036731, 9780896036734
186 Michael H. Torosian Current Clinical Oncology  Humana Press 2002
Breast Cancer: A Guide to Detection and Multidisciplinary Therapy [1st ed.]
9780896038394, 0896038394
187 Icon Health Publications The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Male Breast Cancer: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age 2002
0597834539, 9780597834530, 9780585435305
188 Michael H. Torosian Breast Cancer: A Guide to Detection and Multidisciplinary Therapy (Current Clinical Oncology) [1st ed.] 2002
0896038394, 9780896038394, 9781592591619
189 Michael H. Torosian Breast Cancer: A Guide to Detection and Multidisciplinary Therapy (Current Clinical Oncology) [1st ed.] 2002
0896038394, 9780896038394, 9781592591619
190 Icon Health Publications The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Breast Cancer: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age 2002
0597833443, 9780597833441, 9780585435589
191 Michael H. Antoni, Roselyn Smith Stress Management Intervention for Women With Breast Cancer: Participant's Workbook [1 ed.] 2002
1557989427, 9781557989420
192 Jan H. Wong MD (auth.), Stanley P. L. Leong (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 111  Springer US 2002
Atlas of Selective Sentinel Lymphadenectomy for Melanoma, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer [1 ed.]
1402070136, 9781402070136
193 James S. Olson Bathsheba's Breast: Women, Cancer, and History [1 ed.] The Johns Hopkins University Press 2002
194 MIller Ingle Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2002
0824707877, 9780824707873, 9780203909836
195 Icon Health Publications The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Maternal Breast Cancer: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age 2002
0597834512, 9780597834516, 9780585435282
196 Patrick J. Morrison, Shirley V. Hodgson, Neva E. Haites Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Genetics, Screening and Management [1 ed.] Cambridge University Press 2002
052180373X, 9780521803731, 9780511063602, 0511063601
197 World Health Organization Iarc Handbooks of Cancer Prevention: Handbook 7 Breast Cancer Screening (v. 7) [1 ed.] World Health Organization 2002
9283230078, 9789283230076
198 John F.R. Robertson, Robert I. Nicholson, Daniel F. Hayes Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] CRC Press 2002
190186572X, 9781901865721
199 Robertson, John F.R. Endocrine Management of Breast Cancer CRC Press 2002
978-1-4822-1147-4, 978-1-901865-72-1
200 Jorge R. Pasqualini Breast cancer : prognosis, treatment, and prevention [1 ed.] Marcel Dekker,CRC Press 2002
0-8247-0712-5, 9780824707125
201 Evelyne Accad The Wounded Breast: Intimate Journeys Through Cancer [First Edition] Spinifex Press 2001
9781876756123, 1876756128
202 Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2001
0309072832, 9780309072830, 9780309511810
203 Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2001
0309072832, 9780309072830, 9780309511810
204 William R. Miller, Richard Santen Aromatase Inhibition and Breast Cancer [1st ed.] 2001
0824704126, 9780824704124, 9780585444871
205 Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, Division of Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2001
0309072832, 9780309072830, 9780309511810
206 Committee on the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, National Cancer Policy Board, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer: A Non-Technical Summary National Academies Press 2001
9780309075503, 9780309565400, 0309075505
207 Jeffrey S. Tobias, I. Craig Henderson, Joan Houghton Breast cancer: new horizons in research and treatment [1 ed.] Arnold 2001
034074216X, 9780340742167
208 David P., M.D. Winchester, David P. Winchester MD, David J. Winchester MD Breast Cancer: Atlas of Clinical Oncology [2, Har/Cdr ed.] B.C. Decker 2000
209 Sharon Sorenson, Suzanne Metger THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO LIVING WITH BREAST CANCER [1 ed.] Alpha 2000
0028639383, 9780028639383, 9780786534470
210 Sharon Sorenson, Suzanne Metger Complete Idiot's Guide to Living with Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2000
0028639383, 9780028639383, 9780786534470
211 Sharon Sorenson, Suzanne Metger Complete Idiot's Guide to Living with Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 2000
0028639383, 9780028639383, 9780786534470
212 Daniel Medina (auth.), Margot M. Ip, Bonnie B. Asch (eds.) Methods in Mammary Gland Biology and Breast Cancer Research [1 ed.] Springer US 2000
978-1-4613-6927-1, 978-1-4615-4295-7
213 Melody A. Cobleigh M.D. (auth.), William J. Gradishar M.D., William C. Wood M.D. (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 103  Springer US 2000
Advances in Breast Cancer Management
978-1-4757-3149-1, 978-1-4757-3147-7
214 Nan Lu, Ellen Schaplowsky Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman's Guide to Healing from Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Harper Paperbacks 1999
0380809028, 9780380809028, 9780061916984
215 Ian S. Fentiman Challenges in Breast Cancer [1 ed.] 1999
0632052422, 9780632052424, 9780632063550
216 Felicia D. Roberts Talking About Treatment: Recommendations for Breast Cancer Adjuvant Treatment (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) [1 ed.] 1999
0195121910, 9780195121919, 9780195352825
217 Pat Kelly; Mark Levine What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer [1st ed.] pmph usa 1999
1550090658, 9781550090659, 9780585207469
0807065129, 9780807065129, 9780807065143
219 E. Edward Bittar, Gloria Heppner, William P. Peters and Daniel W. Visscher (Eds.) Advances in Oncobiology 2  Elsevier Science 1999
Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
220 R. K. Hansen, S. A. W. Fuqua (auth.), Anne M. Bowcock (eds.) Contemporary Cancer Research  Humana Press 1999
Breast Cancer: Molecular Genetics, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutics [1 ed.]
978-1-61737-072-4, 978-1-59259-456-6
221 Richard E. Blackwell PhD,MD, Karen R. Hammond MSN,CRNP (auth.), Andrea Manni MD (eds.) Contemporary Endocrinology 11  Humana Press 1999
Endocrinology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4757-5139-0, 978-1-59259-699-7
222 Barbara Joseph My healing from breast cancer [1 ed.] McGraw-Hill Professional 1998
087983711X, 9780879837112
223 Musa Mayer Advanced breast cancer: a guide to living with metastatic disease [2nd ed.] O'Reilly 1998
156592522X, 9781565925229
224 Giampietro Gasparini (auth.), Giampietro Gasparini (eds.) Prognostic variables in node-negative and node-positive breast cancer [1 ed.] Springer US 1998
978-1-4613-7366-7, 978-1-4615-5195-9
225 E. G. Snyderwine (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jörg Senn, Richard D. Gelber Ph.D, Prof. Dr. med. Aron Goldhirsch, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Beat Thürlimann (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 152  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998
Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer VI [1 ed.]
978-3-642-45771-5, 978-3-642-45769-2, 3-540-64085-1
226 Karen Hassey Dow Contemporary Issues in Breast Cancer (Jones and Bartlett Series in Oncology) [1st ed.] Jones & Bartlett Publishers 1996
0867207132, 9780867207132, 9780585247939
227 Pepper J. Schedin, Larissa B. Thackray, Patricia Malone, Susan C. Fontaine (auth.), Robert B. Dickson PHD, Marc E. Lippman MD (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 83  Springer US 1996
Mammary Tumor Cell Cycle, Differentiation, and Metastasis: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-8536-6, 978-1-4613-1259-8
228 U. Veronesi (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Hans Jörg Senn, Richard D. Gelber Ph.D., Prof. Dr. med. Aron Goldhirsch, Dr. med. Beat Thürlimann (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 140  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996
Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer V [1 ed.]
978-3-642-79280-9, 978-3-642-79278-6
229 Sylvia Denton (auth.), Sylvia Denton (eds.) Breast Cancer Nursing [1 ed.] Springer US 1996
978-0-412-41200-4, 978-1-4899-3388-1
230 Basil A. Stoll (auth.), Basil A. Stoll (eds.) Developments in Oncology 75  Springer Netherlands 1995
Reducing Breast Cancer Risk in Women [1 ed.]
978-94-010-4219-2, 978-94-011-0489-0
231 David P. Rose (auth.), Elizabeth K. Weisburger (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 364  Springer US 1994
Diet and Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
9781461360681, 1461360684
232 Jerry A. Peterson, Roberto L. Ceriani (auth.), Roberto L. Ceriani (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 353  Springer US 1994
Antigen and Antibody Molecular Engineering in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6038-4, 978-1-4615-2443-4
233 David P. Rose (auth.), Elizabeth K. Weisburger (eds.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 364  Springer US 1994
Diet and Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6068-1, 978-1-4615-2510-3
234 Thomas J. Anderson, William R. Miller (auth.), Robert B. Dickson, Marc E. Lippman (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 71  Springer US 1994
Mammary Tumorigenesis and Malignant Progression: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6109-1, 978-1-4615-2592-9
235 Andrew Clark, Lesley Fallowfield Breast Cancer (The Experience of Illness Series) 1993
9780203406144, 9780415038416, 0203406141, 0415038413, 9780585447025
236 Adel Gad, Marco Rosselli Del Turco (auth.), Adel Gad M.D., Ph.D., Marco Rosselli Del Turco M.D. (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993
Breast Cancer Screening in Europe [1 ed.]
978-3-642-78156-8, 978-3-642-78154-4
237 Gilbert H. Fletcher M.D. (auth.), Gilbert H. Fletcher M.D., Seymour H. Levitt M.D. (eds.) Medical Radiology - Radiation Oncology  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993
Non-Disseminated Breast Cancer: Controversial Issues in Management [1 ed.]
978-3-642-84595-6, 978-3-642-84593-2
238 L. Norton (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jörg Senn, Richard D. Gelber Ph.D., Prof. Dr. med. Aron Goldhirsch, Dr. med. Beat Thürlimann (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 127  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993
Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer IV [1 ed.]
978-3-642-84747-9, 978-3-642-84745-5
239 Demetrios A. Spandidos (auth.), L. Dogliotti, A. Sapino, G. Bussolati (eds.) Developments in Oncology 69  Springer US 1992
Breast Cancer: Biological and Clinical Progress: Proceedings of the Conference of the International Association for Breast Cancer Research, St. Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy, May 26–29, 1991 [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6549-5, 978-1-4615-3494-5
240 Larry Norton (auth.), I. Craig Henderson (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 60  Springer US 1992
Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6550-1, 978-1-4615-3496-9
241 Richard M. Elledge, William L. McGuire (auth.), Robert B. Dickson, Marc E. Lippman (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 61  Springer US 1992
Genes, Oncogenes, and Hormones: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6552-5, 978-1-4615-3500-3
242 A. Goldhirsch (auth.), A. Goldhirsch (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1992
Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer V [1 ed.]
978-3-642-77664-9, 978-3-642-77662-5
243 Basil A. Stoll (auth.), Basil A. Stoll FRCR, FFR (eds.) Developments in Oncology 62  Springer Netherlands 1991
Approaches to Breast Cancer Prevention [1 ed.]
978-94-010-5664-9, 978-94-011-3742-3
244 Margaret C. Sunderland, William L. McGuire (auth.), Marc E. Lippman, Robert B. Dickson (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 53  Springer US 1991
Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-6758-1, 978-1-4615-3940-7
245 J. Ragaz, I. M. Ariel (auth.), Joseph Ragaz MD, FRCP, Irving M. Ariel MD (eds.) High-Risk Breast Cancer: Therapy [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991
978-3-642-74730-4, 978-3-642-74728-1
246 A. Goldhirsch (auth.), A. Goldhirsch (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1990
Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer IV [1 ed.]
978-3-642-75950-5, 978-3-642-75948-2
247 Professor Dr. Umberto Veronesi (auth.), Professor Dr. Umberto Veronesi (eds.) European Commission Series for General Practitioners  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1990
Breast Cancer: Textbook for General Practitioners [1 ed.]
978-3-540-53102-9, 978-3-642-76054-9
248 E. L. Kitts Jr., J. Beutel, R. S. Holland, B. Blank (auth.), Professor Dr. Sam Brünner MD, PhD., Ass. Professor Dr. Bent Langfeldt MD, EDR. (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 119  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1990
Advances in Breast Cancer Detection [1 ed.]
978-3-642-84067-8, 978-3-642-84065-4
249 Daniel de Moulin (auth.) A Short History of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 1989
978-0-7923-0524-8, 978-94-009-1059-1
250 Grant MacLean, Alexander McEwan, Eleanor Mackie, Peter Fung, Carina Henningsson (auth.), Roberto L. Ceriani (eds.) Breast Cancer Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy [1 ed.] Springer US 1989
978-1-4757-1298-8, 978-1-4757-1296-4
251 F. Cavalli (auth.), Franco Cavalli (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer III [1 ed.]
978-3-642-74506-5, 978-3-642-74504-1
252 M. H. N. Tattersall (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans-Jörg Senn, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Aron Goldhirsch, Dr. Richard D. Gelber, Dr. Bruno Osterwalder (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 115  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-642-83339-7, 978-3-642-83337-3
253 U. Eppenberger (auth.), Professor Dr. Urs Eppenberger, Priv. Doz. Dr. Aron Goldhirsch (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 113  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
Endocrine Therapy and Growth Regulation of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-642-83640-4, 978-3-642-83638-1
254 J. Chamberlain (auth.), Barth Hoogstraten, Ian Burn, H. Julian G. Bloom (eds.) UICC International Union Against Cancer  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-540-50595-2, 978-3-642-83675-6
255 J. Ragaz, I. M. Ariel (auth.), Joseph Ragaz MD, FRCP, Irving M. Ariel MD (eds.) High-Risk Breast Cancer: Diagnosis [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
978-3-642-73720-6, 978-3-642-73718-3
256 Basil A. Stoll (auth.), Basil A. Stoll (eds.) Developments in Oncology 57  Springer Netherlands 1988
Women at High Risk to Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-94-010-7091-1, 978-94-009-1327-1
257 Robert I. Nicholson, Kerry J. Walker (auth.), C. Kent Osborne (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 39  Springer US 1988
Endocrine Therapies in Breast and Prostate Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-8974-6, 978-1-4613-1731-9
258 Martha R. Stampfer, Jack C. Bartley (auth.), Marc E. Lippman, Robert B. Dickson (eds.) Cancer Treatment and Research 40  Springer US 1988
Breast Cancer: Cellular and Molecular Biology [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-8975-3, 978-1-4613-1733-3
259 N. E. Hynes, S. Kozma, S. Saurer, B. Groner, G. Locher (auth.), Marvin A. Rich, Jean C. Hager, Diana M. Lopez (eds.) Developments in Oncology 56  Springer US 1988
Breast Cancer: Scientific and Clinical Progress: Proceedings of the Biennial Conference for the International Association of Breast Cancer Research, Miami, Florida, USA — March 1–5, 1987 [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-8984-5, 978-1-4613-1753-1
260 Arnold S. Dion, Pierre P. Major, Masao Ishida (auth.), Roberto L. Ceriani (eds.) Immunological Approaches to the Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer US 1987
978-1-4612-9059-9, 978-1-4613-1903-0
261 Harold A. Oberman (auth.), Alexander H. G. Paterson, Alan W. Lees (eds.) Developments in Oncology 51  Springer US 1987
Fundamental Problems in Breast Cancer: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Fundamental Problems in Breast Cancer Held at Banff, Alberta, Canada April 26–29, 1986 [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-9218-0, 978-1-4613-2049-4
262 F. Cavalli (auth.), Franco Cavalli (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1987
Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer: Current Developments and New Methodologies
978-3-642-72985-0, 978-3-642-72983-6
263 B. Nielsen (auth.), Assoc. Professor Sam Brünner MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor Bent Langfeldt MD, EDR (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 105  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1987
Breast Cancer: Present Perspective of Early Diagnosis [1 ed.]
978-3-642-82966-6, 978-3-642-82964-2
264 K. Kratochwil (auth.), Marvin A. Rich, Jean Carol Hager, Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou (eds.) Developments in Oncology 43  Springer US 1986
Breast Cancer: Origins, Detection, and Treatment: Proceedings of the International Breast Cancer Research Conference London, United Kingdom — March 24–28, 1985 [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-9421-4, 978-1-4613-2309-9
265 F. Cavalli (auth.), Franco Cavalli (eds.) ESO Monographs  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer: Concepts and Strategies [1 ed.]
978-3-642-71508-2, 978-3-642-71506-8
266 L. Ozzello, C. De Rosa, D. V. Habif, R. Lipton (auth.), Roberto L. Ceriani (eds.) Developments in Oncology 35  Springer US 1985
Monoclonal Antibodies and Breast Cancer: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Monoclonal Antibodies and Breast Cancer San Francisco, California — November 8–9, 1984 [1 ed.]
978-1-4612-9637-9, 978-1-4613-2617-5
267 Colette Ray, Michael Baum (auth.) Contributions to Psychology and Medicine  Springer-Verlag New York 1985
Psychological Aspects of Early Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-1-4613-8565-3, 978-1-4613-8563-9
268 Edwin R. Fisher (auth.), Prof. Dr. J. Zander, Prof. Dr. J. Baltzer (eds.) Early Breast Cancer: Histopathology, Diagnosis and Treatment [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
978-3-642-70194-8, 978-3-642-70192-4
269 Matthew J. van Zwieten DVM, PhD (auth.) Developments in Oncology 18  Springer Netherlands 1984
The Rat as Animal Model in Breast Cancer Research: A histopathological study of radiation- and hormone-induced rat mammary tumors [1 ed.]
978-94-010-9000-1, 978-94-009-5666-7
270 S. A. Feig (auth.), Assoc. Professor Sam Brünner MD, Assoc. Professor Bent Langfeldt MD, Assoc. Professor Paul E. Andersen MD (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 90  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1984
Early Detection of Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-642-82033-5, 978-3-642-82031-1
271 G. Nicolò, A. Carbone, M. Esposito, L. Santi (auth.), Professor Dr. G. Leclercq, Professor Dr. S. Toma, Professor Dr. R. Paridaens, Professor Dr. J. C. Heuson (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 91  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1984
Clinical Interest of Steroid Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer [1 ed.]
978-3-642-82190-5, 978-3-642-82188-2
272 D. P. Griswold Jr., W. R. Laster Jr., M. W. Trader, D. J. Dykes (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans-Jörg Senn (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 96  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1984
Adjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer: Papers Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Adjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland, March 1 – 3, 1984 [1 ed.]
978-3-642-82359-6, 978-3-642-82357-2
273 Daniel De Moulin (auth.) A short history of breast cancer [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 1983
978-94-017-0603-2, 978-94-017-0601-8
274 Robert B. Livingston (auth.), William L. McGuire M.D. (eds.) Breast Cancer 4: Advances in Research and Treatment [1 ed.] Springer US 1981
978-1-4615-6573-4, 978-1-4615-6571-0
275 B. Henningsen (auth.), PD Dr. med. B. Henningsen, Prof. Dr. med. Drs. h.c. F. Linder, Dr. med. C. Steichele (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer 71  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980
Endocrine Treatment of Breast Cancer: A New Approach [1 ed.]
978-3-642-81408-2, 978-3-642-81406-8
276 Hans Scheurlen (auth.), H. R. Scheurlen, G. Weckesser, I. Armbruster (eds.) Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics 4  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1979
Clinical Trials in 'Early' Breast Cancer: Methodological and Clinical Aspects of Treatment Comparisons Proceedings of a Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, 4th to 8th December, 1978 [1 ed.]
978-3-540-09530-9, 978-3-642-93118-5
277 C.M. (auth.), Dr. Patrick C. Brand, Dr. Pieter A. van Keep (eds.) Breast Cancer: Psycho-Social Aspects of Early Detection and Treatment [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 1978
978-94-010-9138-1, 978-94-010-9136-7
278 Albert Segaloff (auth.), William L. McGuire M.D. (eds.) Breast Cancer:Advances in Research and Treatment, Vol. 2: Experimental Biology [1 ed.] Springer US 1978
978-1-4757-4675-4, 978-1-4757-4673-0
279 S. J. Cutler, S. S. Devesa, T. H. C. Barclay (auth.), Dr. Guy St-Arneault, Dr. Pierre Band, Dr. Lucien Israël M. D. (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer 57  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1976
Breast Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach [1 ed.]
978-3-642-81045-9, 978-3-642-81043-5
280 Sir Hedley Atkins (auth.), Professor Sir Hedley Atkins K.B.E. (eds.) The Treatment of Breast Cancer [1 ed.] Springer Netherlands 1974
978-94-011-7154-0, 978-94-011-7152-6
281 Anaxagoras N. Papaioannou M.D., F.A.C.S. (auth.) The Etiology of Human Breast Cancer: Endocrine, Genetic, Viral, Immunologic and Other Considerations [1 ed.] Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1974
978-3-642-65843-3, 978-3-642-65841-9
282 L. O. Jacobson (auth.), M. L. Griem, E. V. Jensen, J. E. Ultmann, R. W. Wissler (eds.) Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer 42  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1973
Breast Cancer: A Challenging Problem [1 ed.]
978-3-642-85834-5, 978-3-642-85832-1
283 Professor Pierre Denoix (auth.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 31  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1970
Treatment of Malignant Breast Tumors: Indications and Results A Study Based on 1174 Cases Treated at the Institut Gustave-Roussy between 1954 and 1962 [1 ed.]
978-3-642-99983-3, 978-3-642-99981-9
284 John Hayward F.R.C.S (auth.) Recent Results in Cancer Research 24  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1970
Hormones and Human Breast Cancer: An Account of 15 Years Study [1 ed.]
978-3-642-87017-0, 978-3-642-87015-6
285 John Hayward, V. G. Allfrey, M. Allgöwer and K. H. Bauer (Auth.) Hormones and Human Breast Cancer. An Account of 15 Years Study 1970
286 M. A. Hayat Cancer Imaging, Lung and Breast Carcinomas [Volume 1]
0123741831, 978-0-12-374183-7
287 Metastasis of Breast Cancer
1-4020-0923-2, 1-4020-1155-5, 1-4020-1984-X, 1-4020-3641-8
288 Chau T. Dang, MD Clifford A. Hudis, MD New Treatment Paradigms in Metastatic Breast Cancer
289 The Healing Project Voices of Breast Cancer: The Healing Companion: Stories for Courage, Comfort and Strength (Voices Of series)
290 Sharon L Manne, Jamie S Ostroff Coping with Breast Cancer: Workbook for Couples (Treatments That Work)
0195342917, 9780195342918, 9780199711406
291 Matthew D. Barber, Jeremy St. J. Thomas, J. Michael Dixon Breast Cancer: An Atlas of Investigation and Management (Atlases of Investigation and Management)