Monday, January 23, 2017

How to Dice a Mango Using the Porcupine Method

How to Dice a Mango Using the Porcupine Method

mango porcupine

  1. A mango has two flat sides and two slightly rounded sides.
  2. To dice it using theporcupine method, slice the mango once straight down on each of the flat sides with a sharp paring knife, keeping the knife fairly close to the flat seed in the middle (the seed is woody and you will feel when you’ve hit it with your knife). 
  3. You should have 2 large, semicircular pieces of mango. 
  4. For each piece, use the paring knife to gently slice through the mango flesh in a crisscrossfashion without cutting through the peel. 
  5. Then press the piece inside out so it looks like a porcupine. 
  6. Carefully cut the cubes off of the peel using the paring knife. 
  7. Repeat this process with the remaining portions. 
  8. Then carefully slice and dice any ripe chunks from the middle section of the fruit that are still clinging to the seed.

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