Saturday, November 19, 2016

Herbs for Cancer

 Herbs for Cancer
 Herbs for Cancer

The plants in Indonesia proven to prevent or treat cancer. Although the need to further research and development, a number of crops such as turmeric white, periwinkle, god leaves until the parasite has been used as a cancer patient endeavor to cure the disease. Many who survived that traditional medicine had become the foundation of a new hope for cancer patients.

White turmeric is believed to have anticancer properties. Still only white type of mango turmeric (Curcuma mango) which limited growth in the cold temperature in Indonesia, which can prevent or treat cancer. This white turmeric has certain characteristics, among other spots such as tuber tuber ginger and pale yellow (beige). In the fresh condition it smelled like mango kweni and when it has been extracted or used as a powder, the color is still yellow (beige).

While periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) has been tested as a deterrent and a destroyer of cancer cells. Plants that still belongs to the family Apocynaceae or frangipani-kambojaan contains two compounds namely vinca alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine are efficacious inhibit the multiplication and spread of cancer cells.Vincristine is used as a treatment of bronchial cancer, a malignant tumor of the kidney, breast cancer, and various types of malignant tumors which initially attacks the nerves and muscles. Plants are in Sumatra called grass bitch cabtharanthin it also contains alkaloids which are expected to urgent and dissolve the cancer cell nucleus.

As a breast cancer drug, boil 22 leaves of vinca and fennel fruit (Foeniculum vulgare) as well as the bark pulasari (Alyxia reinwardti) with three cups of water. Pepper the brown sugar to taste. After boiling up by half, strain. The herb is taken three times a day each half a glass. Treatment is done for at least a month.

Keladi mice (Typhonium Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) has also been studied as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers. To inhibit the growth of cancer cells, three bars complete with a rat taro leaves (approximately 50 grams) soaked for 30 minutes, finely crushed and squeezed. The juice is filtered and drunk. In Malaysia, there have been scientific tests the efficacy of rodent tuber. Even rodent tuber extract in pill form and powder tea combined with other crops in certain doses, has been marketed in the neighboring country.

The juice curcuma (Curcuma zedoaria) is also effective as a cancer drug. According to Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, herbalist from London, the ginger contained curcumol and curdione are efficacious anticancer and antitumor. In China, ginger has long been used as a cure cervical cancer. These plants can increase cancer cell death effects when performed radiotherapy and chemotherapy.Noni is also popular as medicinal plants that are effective. Meat or pace noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) containing dammacanthel, the anticancer agent that is able to resist the growth of abnormal cells in pre-cancer stage and can prevent the development of cancer cells. Freshly squeezed juice of two or three of noni fruit can be spiked with honey to taste more delicious. Should choose not too ripe noni because the alcohol formed by the fermentation process is too ripe noni damaging vital substances contained in it.

God leaves (Gynura divaricata) also is a plant that has been known as an anticancer plant. Herb 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, 20 grams of ginger and white, 30 grams jombang are boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then filtered and drunk the water can be used in the treatment of cancer. Can also use other materials such as 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, 30 grams of fresh periwinkle, pearl grass 30 grams, 30 grams grass snake tongue boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 500 cc. The water is filtered and then add honey to taste, stir and then drink while warm.

Ceremai leaf (Phyllanthus acidus) can also be used as an anticancer drug. Young ceremai a handful of leaves, a pinch of starfruit leaves, bidara upas a finger, Smilax China a finger and palm sugar boiled with three glasses of water to stay glass. This herb is taken three times a day each one glass.While the compounds in the parasite has long been thought to act as an inhibitor of cancer malignancy. Parasite are boiled into a tea can be used as a drug proven support while undergoing chemotherapy (treatment with anticancer drugs consume).

For those of you who have not had cancer, sauteed broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes and fish meat with a little seasoning salt and garlic, can become rich cuisine will anticancer agents. Harvard University study on 48,000 people in 1995 showed the risk of developing prostate cancer for those who eat 10 times the dish containing tomatoes per week declined by almost half.

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