Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bringing Down Elevated Fibrinogen for Lowering Inflammation

Bringing Down Elevated Fibrinogen for Lowering Inflammation

Omega-3 oils found in flaxseeds and chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, anchovies,
and halibut will not only help to lower elevated CRP levels, but also exert a mildly
thinning effect on the blood by bringing down elevated fibrinogen levels. Since
“thicker” blood helps cancer to proliferate, some former cancer patients also use
nattokinase, an enzyme extracted from a fermented Asian soy dish called natto, to
keep fibrinogen levels at a moderate level. Garlic, vitamin C, and the enzyme
bromelain are also helpful in this regard.

To Do for Lowering Inflammation

  • Monitor your levels of inflammation by asking your doctor to check your blood levels of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. Thermography is also available in some communities to examine inflammation patterns in the breasts.

  • Change your oil to keep inflammation levels under control. Choose monounsaturated oils such as olive oil (extra virgin) for cold or low-heat use, and coconut oil for higher-heat use. Avoid omega-6 “supermarket” oils, especially the “big four” that are genetically modified: corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed. Eat wild fatty fish, take a fish oil supplement regularly, or do both.
  • Follow the recommendations in chapter 6 to keep glucose and insulin levels under control, because high levels of either promote inflammation.
  • Be alert for food allergies and sensitivities as a possible cause of systemic inflammation, and test for them if you are suspicious.
  • Use culinary herbs and spices liberally in your cooking, because virtually all herbs and spices have anti-inflammatory effects, particularly turmeric, ginger, and boswellia.
  • Get sufficient rest and exercise in moderation.

Last Word
Eating for inflammation control is really just Eating for Health with a little
extra fish oil thrown in. Easy!
—Michelle B., breast cancer survivor

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