Friday, March 4, 2016

Story and experience from SIXTEEN-YEAR BREAST-CANCER SURVIVOR, part 3

Story and experience from SIXTEEN-YEAR BREAST-CANCER SURVIVOR, part 3


Now you might be wondering how you can do it without some of the resources I
had. Throughout the years, I have seen many women recover fully because they were
committed to changing. It doesn’t cost money to walk, to learn to meditate, or to find
friends, whether locally or online, to help with support. Of course, eating a wholefood,
organic diet can be costly, but you can do this by finding local sources of
organic food, growing your own, and being frugal with your decisions about what
vitamin support you need.

I am reminded of a woman I knew through The Amazon Alternative Therapies for
Breast Cancer LISTSERV. She was poor, with a diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer and
bones that looked like Swiss cheese. She studied hard on her own, bought over-thecounter
nutritional supplements, changed her lifestyle, and lived for years and years.

At times I have been asked, “How do you stick to your wellness plan?” I still
consider it a matter of life or death. But at the same time I have learned how to live in
the real world. I do eat a sliver of birthday cake at family parties. And I eat a little bit
of dark chocolate every day. I plan ahead by going to parties with a full stomach, and
I’ve been known to take my own food. I also make wise choices when eating out.

Most important, my choices have influenced my family and friends about their own
choices, and this will affect their future health and that of their families.

I feel very blessed to have come this far, and realize that life is an ongoing journey.

My children are married, and I am a grandmother of five. And my husband, who
helped me to live, had me to help him through his final journey.

I can’t say that the cancer walk is easy, but I know that if someone like me can
change, then anyone can change.

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