Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Don’t Forget These Key Nutrients for Lowering Inflammation

Don’t Forget These Key Nutrients for Lowering Inflammation

Be sure to include the following important nutrients in your diet.


Magnesium is good for so many things, and inflammation is no exception.
Researchers who examined data from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2000, a US national survey, found that
American adults who consumed less than the RDA of magnesium (approximately
320 milligrams per day) were 1.48 to 1.75 times more likely to have elevated CRP
levels than those who consumed at least the RDA (King et al. 2006). This same
survey found that 68 percent of the population surveyed consumed less than the
RDA of magnesium. Remember your food sources of magnesium: whole grains
(especially buckwheat and oats), nuts, beans, artichokes, and most green, leafy


Vitamin D can help enhance immunity and cell differentiation. It turns out it can do a lot more than that. Another significant marker of inflammation, known as serum TNF-á, appears to go up as vitamin D levels go down (Petersen and Heffernan 2008). This may help explain the role of this vitamin
in the prevention and treatment of other inflammatory diseases, including heart
disease, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

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