Sunday, March 6, 2016

for breast cancer survivors, How to Enjoy Eight-Plus Servings of Vegetables and Fruits Every Day

How to Enjoy Eight-Plus Servings of Vegetables and Fruits Every Day

Vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are
essential for health. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain a class of nutrients called
“phytonutrients” that are important for fighting cancer. Nearly four thousand
phytonutrients have been discovered. To get the full spectrum of these cancer
“phyters,” you need to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables from every color of
the rainbow.

A 2007 study (Moiseeva et al.) found that phytonutrients can “communicate”
directly with our genes, altering genetic expression. They can suppress the response of
cancer-causing genes known as oncogenes while increasing the expression of tumorsuppressor
genes. Vitamin pills don’t offer these important nutrients, so you’ll want to
substantially increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Aim for eight to twelve
servings per day. A serving is 2 cup of cooked vegetable; 1 cup of raw salad
vegetables; 6 ounces of vegetable juice; 1 medium apple, pear, or other fruit; 2 cup
diced, cooked, or canned fruit; or 1 cup of berries. Gradually increase your intake by
one to two servings each week until you reach your goal.

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Plan to eat two or three 2-cup servings of vegetables at each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Snack on fresh fruits (or additional vegetables), and you’ll surely meet your goal. 
  2. Plan your meals around vegetables! Plant-based foods should fill 50 to 75 percent of your plate (with proteins and whole grains for the remainder).
  3. Be adventurous by expanding your horizons! Try a new fruit or vegetable eachweek. Have you tried kohlrabi, beet greens, star fruit, kiwi, celeriac, jicama, parsnip, fennel, bok choy, arugula, watercress, burdock root, fava beans, taro root, or mustard greens? Your grocery may provide recipe cards. It’s easy to find recipes online if you’re unsure of how to prepare your new find.
  4. Serve vegetable juices with meals and snacks for an easy way to boost your vegetable intake. Choose freshly made vegetable juice, preferably organic and low-sodium.
  5. Add 2 cup of finely shredded carrots to 1 cup of salsa. The crunchy texture adds a great spark to the salsa. Or try grated zucchini or summer squash.

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