Monday, July 18, 2016



There are many different types of cancer. The most common cancers in men
and women are those of the lung, oesophagus and colorectum. In addition,
men are prone to prostate and bladder cancer and women to cancers of the
cervix and breast.

What follows is a summary of a few of the most common types of cancer,
their symptoms and possible causes or risk factors.27

Bladder cancer

The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Other
symptoms include frequently needing to pass urine, urgently passing urine
very suddenly and pain when passing urine.
Smoking tobacco, schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and arsenic in drinking
water can cause bladder cancer.

Brain cancer

The symptoms of brain cancer are the result of the tumour growing and
taking up space inside the skull. Symptoms differ depending on the tumour’s
position in the brain. Common symptoms include headaches, fits, getting
sick, problems with your eyes, drowsiness and an unaccountable change in
personality or mood.

Little is known about what causes brain tumours. They are relatively rare
and can affect individuals at any age. Five per cent are related to genetic

Breast cancer

One of the first symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast and, while a
lump may be benign, it is important to consult a doctor if one is detected.

Women should be mindful of a thickening in the breast area, dimpling of the
skin, a change in the shape of a nipple, a blood-stained discharge from a
nipple, a rash on a nipple or surrounding area, or a swelling or lump in the

There is convincing evidence that drinking alcohol causes breast cancer at
all ages and for some as yet unknown reason, tall women are at greater risk.

Factors that lead to greater birth weight, or its consequences, are associated
with breast cancer diagnosed pre-menopause, while adult weight gain, excess
body fat (particularly abdominal) and total dietary fat are associated with
postmenopausal breast cancer. On the other hand, body fat probably protects
against premenopausal breast cancer.

Cancer of the mouth, pharynx and larynx

Like all cancers, cancers of the mouth, pharynx (throat) and larynx (voice
box) are caused by damaged cells, which can grow uncontrollably to form a
tumour. Symptoms include an ulcer or sore in the mouth or on the tongue,
red or white patches in the mouth, a pain in the head or neck area, an
unexplained lump in the mouth or neck, a sore or painful throat, hoarseness
or difficulty swallowing, especially in smokers over forty and heavy
drinkers.28 If you experience any of these symptoms for longer than three
weeks, it is advisable to go for a check-up.

While the main cause of these cancers is smoking tobacco, there is
convincing evidence that alcohol can also cause cancers of the mouth,
pharynx and larynx. The risk is multiplied when drinkers also smoke.

Cervical cancer

The most common symptom of cervical cancer is bleeding between periods,
after or during sex and at any time if past menopause. Other possible
symptoms include vaginal discharge that smells unpleasant and discomfort or
pain during sex.

Infection with some types of human papilloma virus (HPV) is the greatest
risk factor for cervical cancer, followed by smoking.

Colorectal cancer

Symptoms of colorectal cancer include bleeding from the rectum or blood in
stools, a change in normal bowel habits like diarrhoea or looser stools lasting
longer than six weeks, a lump in the rectum or abdomen, loss of weight, pain
in the rectum or abdomen and anaemia.

There is convincing evidence that causes include red meat, processed
meat, substantial consumption of alcohol and body and abdominal fatness.

Limited evidence suggests that cheese and foods containing iron, animal fats
and sugars are also causes. For some as yet unknown reason, tall people are at
greater risk.

Endometrial cancer

The most common symptom of endometrial or womb cancer is abnormal
bleeding from the vagina, especially in women who have been through
menopause. Other symptoms include pain or discomfort in the lower
abdomen or pain during sex. Symptoms of advanced womb cancer include
loss of appetite and weight, tiredness or weakness, feeling or being sick,
constipation, passing urine more often than usual, or pain in the back or legs.

Body fatness, particularly abdominal, is a cause of endometrial cancer.
Limited evidence suggests that eating red meat and being tall are also risk

Gallbladder cancer

There are not often symptoms for gallbladder cancer in its early stages.
Symptoms at a later stage of the cancer include abdominal pain, feeling or
being sick, jaundice, gallbladder enlargement, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Body fatness is probably a cause and people with gallstones are more likely
to develop gallbladder cancer.

Kidney cancer

Symptoms include blood in the urine, a lump or mass in the kidney area,
tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, a high temperature and very heavy
sweating, a pain in the side that will not go away and a general feeling of poor

Causes include smoking, body fatness and most probably arsenic in
drinking water. It is unlikely that coffee or alcohol have an adverse effect on


Leukaemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow, characterised by
an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells. There are many different
types of leukaemia, including acute myeloid leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia, chronic myeloid leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and
hairy cell leukaemia. Each has its own specific causes, symptoms and
treatment methods.

Liver cancer

Symptoms include weight loss that is more than 10 per cent of body weight, a
swollen abdomen, yellowish skin, dark-coloured urine and pale-coloured
stools, as well as being sick, itching, a high temperature and sweating, pain or
discomfort in the abdomen, loss of appetite and a feeling of being full or
bloated after eating.

While alcohol is a direct cause, there is convincing evidence that body
fatness and aflatoxins, which contaminate mostly cereals (grains) and pulses
(legumes) stored in hot, wet conditions, also cause liver cancer. Other causes
include infection with hepatitis viruses B or C, the development of cirrhosis
from any cause, and infestation with liver flukes.

Lung cancer

General symptoms of lung cancer include constant coughing, a change in a
cough that has been around for a long time, shortness of breath, coughing up
phlegm with signs of blood in it, an ache or pain when breathing or coughing,
loss of appetite, tiredness and weight loss.

There is convincing evidence that arsenic in drinking water and (in
smokers only) pharmacological doses of beta-carotene are causes of lung
cancer. Limited evidence suggests that low body fatness, red meat, processed
meat, total fat, butter and pharmacological doses of retinol (smokers only) are
also causes.


Lymphoma is a cancer that originates in the lymph glands or other organs
that make up the lymphatic system. There are many different types of
lymphoma with the main types including Hodgkin lymphoma and non-
Hodgkin lymphoma.

Common symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma include painless swelling in
the neck, armpit and groin. Less common symptoms include heavy sweating,
high temperatures, weight loss, itchiness, coughing or breathlessness,
abdominal pain or vomiting after drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma in the bone marrow include
breathlessness and tiredness, increased risk of infection and bleeding problems
like nosebleeds or very heavy periods.

Common symptoms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma include painless swelling
in the neck, armpit and groin, as well as heavy sweating, loss of weight and
high temperatures. In the bone marrow, it may also cause low blood-cell
counts. Lymphomas that start in the brain may cause symptoms like
headaches, difficulty in thinking, difficulty moving parts of the body, changes
in personality or epileptic fits.

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Some people with nasopharyngeal cancer have no symptoms at all, but if you
experience the following for longer than three weeks, it is important to get
screened by a doctor: a lump or growth in the neck area, hearing loss, fluid
collection in the ear, blocked or stuffy nose, blood-stained discharge from the
nose, headache, double vision, numbness in the lower part of the face,
difficulty swallowing or changes in the voice, like hoarseness.

Cantonese-style salted fish is probably a cause of this cancer; this does not
apply to fish salted or fermented by any other method. Other causes include
tobacco smoking and infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, also called human
herpes virus 4 (HHV-4).

Oesophageal cancer

Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, food coming back up, weight loss,
pain or discomfort in the throat or back, acid indigestion, hoarseness, chronic
coughing or coughing up blood. There is convincing evidence that alcohol,
smoking tobacco and chewing betel quid are causes. The risk is multiplied
when drinkers also smoke. There is also evidence that excess body fatness
causes oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Limited evidence suggests that red
meat, processed meat and high-temperature drinks are also causes.

Ovarian cancer

Symptoms of ovarian cancer can be quite vague. Women over fifty or with a
family history of breast or ovarian cancer should have regular check-ups.

Symptoms of early ovarian cancer include pain in the lower abdomen or side,
or a bloated feeling in the abdomen. If the cancer has grown outside of the
ovary, symptoms include irregular periods or vaginal bleeding after
menopause, lower abdominal pain, back pain, passing urine more often than
usual, constipation, pain during sex, a swollen abdomen, a feeling of fullness
or a loss of appetite. If the cancer has spread, symptoms include loss of
appetite, feeling or being sick, constipation, tiredness, shortness of breath and
noticeable swelling of the abdomen.

For some as yet unknown reason, tall women are at greater risk, as are
older women, infertile women, those with endometriosis and women who use
postmenopausal oestrogen replacement therapy.

Pancreatic cancer

Early symptoms of pancreatic cancer include weight loss, pain in the stomach
area, jaundice, loss of appetite and back pain. Other symptoms include
diabetes, itchiness, sickness, bowel changes, fever and shivering.

While tobacco smoking is an established cause of pancreatic cancer,
convincing evidence suggests that body fatness, particularly abdominal
fatness, is a cause. There is limited evidence to suggest that red meat is also a
cause. For some as yet unknown reason, tall people are at greater risk. It is
unlikely that coffee has any substantial effect on the risk of this cancer.

Prostate cancer

Symptoms caused by growths in the prostate, whether cancerous or not,
include having to rush to the toilet to pass urine, difficulty passing urine,
passing urine more often than usual, pain when passing urine and blood in
the urine or semen. Other symptoms include pain in the back, hips, pelvis or
other bony areas due to the cancer having spread to the bones. Other possible
symptoms are weight loss and difficulty getting an erection.

Foods containing calcium (dairy products) are a probable cause of
prostate cancer, as is processed meat.

Skin cancer

There are many different types of skin cancer including basal cell carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma and Bowen’s disease. Skin cancers can develop on
or near other non-cancerous skin growths. Damaged skin that does not heal
should be checked out by a doctor. This includes a spot or sore that does not
heal within four weeks, a spot or sore that continues to itch, hurt, scab, crust
or bleed for more than four weeks, and any area where the skin has broken or
an ulcer has appeared for no discernible reason and which does not heal
within four weeks.

Overexposure to the UV radiation in sunlight, arsenic in drinking water
and selenium can cause skin cancer. It is unlikely that beta-carotene or foods
containing it have a substantial effect on the risk of non-melanoma skin

Stomach cancer

Symptoms of stomach cancer include indigestion, acidity and burping,
feeling full, feeling tired or breathless, blood clots, pain, sickness or some
difficulty swallowing. Symptoms of advanced stomach cancer include lack of
appetite and weight loss, fluid in the abdomen and blood in the stool.

Most stomach cancer is caused by Helicobacter pylori (bacterium) infection.
Limited evidence suggests that chilli, processed meat, salt and salt-preserved
foods, smoked foods and grilled (broiled) and barbecued (charbroiled) animal
foods are also causes.

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