Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Playing the “hurry up and wait” game— why does it take so long to do a workup or to see the doctor?

Playing the “hurry up and wait” game—
why does it take so long to do a workup or to
see the doctor?

If you do not understand what the doctors are
saying, or need further clarification, urge your loved one
not to consent to medical treatment until she fully

One of the most common complaints we hear from
patients and their caregivers is about waiting. Waiting
for test results, waiting to see the doctor, waiting for
procedures, and more waiting. Waiting to see doctors
is so common that we as patients come to expect it.
However, after a cancer diagnosis, when you may have
many appointments, or go regularly to the hospital,
this waiting can become particularly annoying. Coupled
with the already higher stress levels, waiting can
be extremely frustrating.

There are many reasons for the long waits. Sometimes
tests or preparation is required before some procedures,
such as blood work before receiving chemotherapy.
Other times, paperwork needs to be processed, including
the doctor’s specific medical orders, or tests (including
X-rays and other lab work) need to be fully reviewed
before a patient sees the doctor. There is a lot of
“behind-the-scenes” work being done on your loved
one’s behalf, so keep this in mind when you are waiting
to see the doctor or to receive a medical test and/or treatment.

Furthermore, some hospitals and physicians are
very busy and see as many patients as possible in a given
day. This is good because more people can be examined
and treated by the doctor, but it also can mean longer
waits if things get backed up or emergencies occur.

Finding productive ways to pass the time can be good
as these activities lower stress levels. Bring a good
book, magazine(s), CDs/tapes, a simple game (playing
cards) or crafts (such as knitting or crocheting), along
with snacks and water for both you and the patient.

You also may consider bringing a sweater/jacket (for
cold offices) and/or a small pillow (for hard seats or to
support the lower back).We have known caregivers to
bring work from their offices to feel productive or
review personal research they have done about cancer
treatments or coping with cancer.

Despite the distractions, keep in mind that you are
there to provide reassurance and support to your loved
one. You may want to use the waiting time to talk to
one another about what questions to ask the doctor, or
about how each other is feeling, both physically (for
the patient) and emotionally (for both of you).

If you are comfortable, start a conversation with
another patient and/or caregiver. Some family members
have met fellow caregivers for other patients in
the waiting areas. Speaking with others can be helpful
in gathering useful information. It also helps you realize
that others are facing similar experiences.

If you are waiting a long time and/or your loved one is
feeling unwell, let the nurse or receptionist know, especially
if the patient is experiencing increased pain, fever,
nausea, or sudden onset of other physical symptoms.

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